Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Warmer days!

As the days get warmer I am enjoying watching Cody play outside. He loves to run around in the front yard, riding his new bike...$2 at a garage sale, and drawing with sidewalk chalk. It brings me back to my childhood when my mom had a job at the chalk factory, and we had every kind of chalk imaginable...drawing stores, houses and playing with the neighborhood kids all day long.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Jamboree '08

Who ever thought you could have so much fun with family!!! We were blessed with the most amazing destination for our reunion this year...a chateau near Jamestown, with no near neighbors and more than enough space for the 9 of us.
The Hot tub was nice for some evening relaxation, and fun for the boys to play in. The mountain setting was great for our growing and ever curious little boys, and it was fun to watch them play together.
Manny and Monique, my dad's sock monkey's, provided much entertainment for Noah and Cody. They have their own suitcase with clothes for every occasion, a travel journal, favorite books and a photo of their family so they don't get lonely while they are away...They went for a visit to Chicago with Noah and the Young's after the Jamboree.
It was good to spend time with family and can't wait for Jamboree '09.