I was looking at the calendar today, and realized that I have only 8 weeks left until my due date. This is both exciting and a bit overwhelming. I have so much that I want to do in preparation for Alyssa's arrival. I remember this time in my pregnancy with Cody, it is a much different experience this time. With Cody, I had nothing to do once I went on maternity leave from work except prepare for him. I could paint at my leisure, nap everyday, and run as many errands as necessary. This time around, I spend my days at the park or riding bikes with Cody and have to complete my housework and preparations during Cody's nap. I have purchased paint for both Cody's new "big boy" room and Alyssa's nursery. Cody's rug is almost half way done, and I figure if I am diligent I can have it finished in a couple weeks. I have also made some necessary purchases from my favorite website, craigslist, a double stroller in almost mint condition for $80 and a toddler bed for $30! What a great way to save money. As soon as I have something complete I will post pics so you can see the new rooms. I have found someone to watch Cody and Alyssa when I return to work. Her name is Cookie and she lives 2 minutes from my house. She has 2 beautiful daughters, 16mo and 30mo old. She has also turned my on to a mom's group in the area, so I can meet other working moms in the area. We play at the park at least once a week and have had a mom's night out! Pray that I will be able to work out all the details and feel comfortable with this arrangement in the next couple of weeks.
Lots of good stuff. Especially the playing with Cody! Eight weeks is a long time on one hand and not long enough on the other! ILY and I pray for you every day. MO
I like her because 1) her name is really cute 2) she attends a mom's play group and 3) she wants to watch 4 babies at the same time. Are you sure she is not crazy?? I will be praying and I can't wait to meet Baby A.
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