After about a half hour or forty-five minutes and some very wrinkled fingers and toes, I help Cody put his toys away and we get out of the tub. The next step is to brush teeth. Cody loves this step, I think more for the way the toothpaste tastes than the actual brushing, but that is ok.

After we brush our teeth, we go downstairs and watch one of our now numerous truck videos and give Dad a hug and kiss goodnight, then it is time to read a couple books and go to sleep.

We are trying to get Cody ready for his transition to the big boy bed...so we read his stories in the toddler bed, then get in the crib for sleeping.
Since we have a video monitor, I can see Cody's personal bedtime routine which includes reading stories to his monkey and saying goodnight to the trucks, tractors, and walls in his room. He really is tooooo cute!