It is a form of torture I think, that we forget the pain of various activities so we will do them again. I remember climbing Long's peak with my dad when I was younger, and each time I swore I would never do it again. The next year there I was, on the face of the majestic peak...You forget the pain, but remember the great veiws and funny stories that come out of the difficult hike.Having children is kind of the same. Cody has grown up so much and is such a good helper that I had forgotten how hard it is to dress someone who doesn't help you...or how hard it is to change the diaper of a squirming new born!!! I must say that having two children is difficult, but not as hard as I thought it would be...ask me again in a few months though, I have a feeling it will get harder.

I am trying to get in as much quality time with my two sweet boys as I possibly first day back at work will be Aug. 19 :( Cody loves to ride his bike, but we have to do it in the morning because it gets too hot in the afternoon. I just let him go out in his jammies, and I thought you all would enjoy his choice of shoes.

We play in the sand box in the afternoon, once there is some shade in the back yard...but Cody doesn't like the sand on his feet. Here is a little OCD moment brought to you by Cody.

I can't wait for Tyler to be a little older, so I can watch my two boys play together! What a blessing to have two healthy baby boys, I never thought I could love so much!
I love the OCD moment picture! He is so cute. Cowboy boots and pajamas. I miss him. Have fun in NM. ILY MO
i too love the ocd moment, reminds me a little of his mother...i miss hanging with him, and cant wait...7 months.
Cody and Tyler are so cute but I have to say you look pretty good too.
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