We cut down a real tree for the first time, and it was a beautiful one.
Presents were plentiful, I will have to give some old away to make room for the new. Tyler loves the Christmas lights,
and is learning to LOOK not TOUCH. Cody wanted to know if we were gonna have cake for Jesus' birthday, and was very excited to open gifts, and give some to his cousin/friends.
Some of the favorite gifts were a new big boy bed...made by daddy, Gravedigger, dumptrucks and a trash truck. We had sword fights, gun fights and regular wrestling fights.
And finally some great food and fellowship with family.
It was a great Christmas.
Nice. I LOVE the pjs. Those boys are sooooooooooo cute. MO
His face when sword fighting is priceless...thanks for posting. ILY Merry Christmas
Love the pics so cute!
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