Since it rained nearly everyday, we spent a lot of time at the pool...although we did get some time at the park and a walk on the Niwot trail, complete with throwing sticks in the pond and searching for wildlife.
Uncle Andrew kept us entertained as usual,
and we even made it to church at flatirons. Cody did a nice job practicing small talk with Coco(what your name is?) and complimented shoes, hair and anything else he could think of. Tyler was happy to have so much attention, and showed off his skills while cruising around the furniture...he will be walking before we know it! The train was a little scary at night, but we went to check out the tracks and caboose in old town Niwot, and that was a huge hit.
Very nice travelogue! IMY all. It was good times. MO
A venti for AJ....really??
Tyler looks like a rocker with the long hair...time to turn that baby into a boy!
Noah loves the caboos too.
Glad you have a good trip...wish we could be there too.
Tell Cody Geek Geek
It is so green isn't it! Maybe because there are monsoons every day! Your boys are super cute! Next time you are in town I would love to see you!
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